Family Time on Herm Puffin and Puffling Solid Bronze Sculpture
This beautifully crafted solid bronze sculpture has been cast for Catherine Best from her own design by the team Richard Cooper ltd. Catherine’s design is inspired by the Atlantic puffin (Fratercula arctica) that she has been lucky to see in some of the remaining small colonies located around the shores of the Channel Islands.
This beautifully crafted solid bronze sculpture has been cast for Catherine Best from her own design by the team Richard Cooper ltd. Catherine’s design is inspired by the Atlantic puffin (Fratercula arctica) that she has been lucky to see in some of the remaining small colonies located around the shores of the Channel Islands.
Sadly, as is the case with so much of our natural world, the numbers of Puffins in our local waters has been on the decline. The reduction of fish stocks and changes in the climate are likely to have contributed to this decline. To lose the Fratercula (translates to “little brother”) Puffin from our shores altogether would be a tragedy, confining these comical characters to just memories and ruminations.
This limited edition (500 in total) solid bronze sculpture is a perfect gift for lovers of this sea bird, a remarkably detailed keepsake ideal for both; those lucky enough to have seen puffins in their natural environment, as well as for those who collect rare and unusual works of art. Each piece in the range is embossed with its own number and comes complete with a certificate of authenticity.
Dimensions: Length 17cm x Height 10cm. Weight 800g